On course. On schedule. On track.
What would it be like if your company ran as efficiently as a high-speed train? With a top-notch program management office and talented program managers at the helm of complex cross-functional initiatives, you can eliminate competing deadlines and missed milestones, and ensure your journey to success is smooth.
the Book
Don’t let your company run off the rails.

A large company spread across multiple internal organizations, time zones, and projects can be a little like a train without a conductor—moving, but prone to confusion, communication gaps, and at risk of veering off the rails.
If your organization is starting to flounder amid competing deadlines, strategies, and missed milestones, it’s time to invest in your very own business conductor: a program management office. Get On Track is your essential field guide to building, staffing, and running a top-notch PMO, by software industry executive and program management specialist Paula Dieli.
Filled with essential tools, insights, and real-life case studies from her experiences in building and running PMOs for companies such as Zendesk, Adobe, and Macromedia, this is a first-of-its-kind handbook on when, why, and how to incorporate program management into a company. Aimed at both business leaders and program managers, this book shows you how to:
- Organize, fund, and brand a PMO within a company
- Set success measures, create schedules, and plan programs efficiently
- Manage issues and risks effectively and know what to do when signals get crossed
- Develop powerful and enduring relationships with key people
- Harness the superpowers of successful program managers to stay on track and on schedule
If you’re serious about meeting corporate objectives and creating an environment of continued success and achievement, a PMO isn’t just a no-brainer: it’s a critical component in ensuring you stay on track and hit your strategic goals reliably, on time, and with finesse.
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Interested in learning more about program management or learning about what Paula Dieli can bring to your organization? Use the email form below to reach her directly. And don’t forget to follow Paula on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Medium to keep up to date with the latest trends and tips on program management.