Several years ago, I was elected president of a non-profit organization. There were 12 board members only two of whom were from the technology industry. I approached my role with enthusiasm, using the same high bar that I had cultivated in the tech industry where the stakes are much higher and the timeframes more condensed. After the first two board meetings, the other board member from the tech world, entrepreneur and product leader Elisa Rossi asked if I had time for lunch. We met up over a nice meal where she gently suggested that perhaps I might consider lowering my bar a little, that I was coming on a bit strong. It was fine for the tech industry she explained, but not so much when dealing with unpaid volunteers running a non-profit. It was such great advice that I put immediately to use and have applied many times since then. And even within a tech company, everyone’s bar is different. Program managers are so often type A personalities and set high bars for themselves. I’ve learned to adjust that high bar up or down as needed, which allows for a better work/life balance.